What We Do
At K12Excellence, we revolutionize the way schools and school districts operate by providing them with customizable business intelligence tools and processes. By utilizing our portals, schools and administrators can harvest valuable insights and pursue a data driven culture that aligns with the goals of the district. We empower the parents, teachers, principals and school administrators with the ability to reach their highest potential by putting timely, relevant, and actionable tools and reports at their fingertips.
K12Excellence ParentView
"Generally, when parents participate in their children's education, both at home and at school, and experience relationships with teachers characterized by mutuality, warmth, and respect, students achieve more, demonstrate increased achievement motivation, and exhibit higher levels of emotional, social, and behavioral adjustment"
Source - Jan Hughes and Oi-man Kwok; J Educ Psychol. 2007 February; 99(1): 39-51.
Our Giving Program
There is a proven link between student achievement and parent involvement in the overall success of every child. Districts can empower parents! At K12Excellence, we are committed to helping parents and school districts guide students to achieve their goals. In support of this effort, we want to provide eligible districts with the tools and best practices through our "Giving Program" at no cost.